Offer right sacrifices

Offer right sacrifices It is time we offer right sacrifices to God. God is not pleased with how we treat him. We have placed him second; we have removed him from our main agendas and hardly make time to entertain him. God does not delight in the way we have been treating him. He never slacks concerning his promises; never fails to protect us and uphold us with his mighty strong arms. It is He who has helped us on our toughest journeys so we can truly shine like the gems we are today. God deserves better! For all he has done, we need to live our lives devoted to thanksgiving, prayer, time in the word (scriptures) as well as time witnessing to others about his unwavering goodness. Please consider: · When was the last time you used your gifting, talents, and abilities to glorify him? We have gotten so ‘accustomed’ to the praise of men that we have forgotten the source. · When was the last time you took a Sabbatical from your daily rigours to spend quality time talking w...