Where is your heart and treasure?

Where is your heart & treasure? We have always been misguided into thinking that amassing wealth, properties (material possession) will determine our eternal hope. We must work hard to ensure our families are comfortable; necessities catered for and left with a surplus for emergencies. However, we have long thought this was all there is to life. There are three parts of man-spirit, soul and body (Thess. 5:23). It is with our bodies through its five senses that we interact with the things of the material world. Our soul then is where we experience things in the psychological real m . Our soul is composed of our mind, which enables us to think, reason, and remember. Our mind, emotion and will make up our soul. There is a part of us that is deeper than our soul and that is our spirit. It is by our spirit that we contact the spiritual realm. It is through our spirit that God is made real to us and the avenue through which we truly worship Him. "...and they that worship...