Walk in the Light

Walk in the Light If you walk when the light is on, then you can find your way but if you try to move about in a dark room then there will be obstructions and one may stumble. Walking in the light in this context is walking as Jesus did. Walking here speaks to one’s lifestyle or behaviour. Jesus did not come to just talk; he came to walk with us, that is, to show us the way. Therefore, walking as Jesus did will require us to follow his example, to live according to his teachings, trust in him, and obey his words. How are we expected to walk in the light according to scripture? Acknowledge that we have the propensity to sin but if we confess then the God of all grace will forgive us . Hence, we move from a place of darkness to light. For instance, if we steal then we are at a place of darkness but if we seek forgiveness then the darkness is removed and light comes once again as our conscience becomes clear. ...