Obey God

Benefits of walking in obedience This morning, this afternoon, or this day, whenever you are reading this, is the opportune time. As I woke up, I heard clearly in my spirit, "Joshua one." I did not hesitate but grabbed my Bible and started reading. As I read purposefully, I recognized that God wanted to draw my attention to the importance of being obedient. Many of us have an idea of what it means to obey a parent, a spouse or a loved one. We would not dare to offend them because of the respect and reverence we have for them from a place of love. God too, requires us to be obedient to him. Obedience to God means submission to His authority or requests. As I read, three major benefits of being obedient to God stood out to me. Benefits of obedience · When we obey God things go according to (His) plan - God told Joshua to be strong and courageous and in (v.5) of the same chapter, “No one will be able to stand ag...