Taming the tongue
Taming the tongue Man has utilized their best efforts at taming all kinds of creatures, animals, and things but the tongue has been man’s greatest challenge. The same tongue that is used to pray and bless others is the same tongue that is used to curse, lie, and spread propaganda. The tongue needs to be tamed. It is a small member of the body but has the power to destroy the whole man. We use our tongue to build and to tear down. James 4:6 says “ the tongue also is a fire, a world of evil among the parts of the body. It corrupts the whole body, sets the whole course of one’s life on fire, and is itself set on fire by hell.” What am I saying? We must be more responsible with the way we use this sense organ. We have to train our tongue to speak peaceably, kind, lovingly, and truthfully. Signs our tongue needs taming People, who always speak negatively, curse, backbite, spread false accusations, and lie all need taming. Yes, we ALL need taming of our tongue in one wa...