Taming the tongue
Taming the tongue
Man has utilized their best efforts at taming all kinds of creatures, animals, and things but the tongue has been man’s greatest challenge. The same tongue that is used to pray and bless others is the same tongue that is used to curse, lie, and spread propaganda. The tongue needs to be tamed. It is a small member of the body but has the power to destroy the whole man. We use our tongue to build and to tear down. James 4:6 says “the tongue also is a fire, a world of evil among the parts of the body. It corrupts the whole body, sets the whole course of one’s life on fire, and is itself set on fire by hell.” What am I saying? We must be more responsible with the way we use this sense organ. We have to train our tongue to speak peaceably, kind, lovingly, and truthfully.
Signs our tongue needs taming
People, who always speak negatively, curse, backbite, spread false accusations, and lie all need taming. Yes, we ALL need taming of our tongue in one way or the other because we all fall short. There are times when out of anger we have uttered nothing but evil and destructive words that have the potential to harm us as well as those to whom they were spoken. We need to train our tongue!
Benefits of training or taming our tongue
· Taming the tongue leads to life: Whoever would love life and see good days must keep their tongue from evil and their lips from deceitful speech (1 Peter 3:10).
· Taming the tongue builds the listener: Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what helps build others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen (Ephesians 4:29).
· Taming the tongue leads to protection: Those who guard their mouths and their tongues keep themselves from calamity (Proverbs 21:23).
Just remember, the next time you open your mouth to speak, ensure that your tongue is armed with the right words- words that will edify and encourage or even correct. Dangerous words are painful and only accomplish evil deeds. “Out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks (Luke 6:45).” Let us allow God to cleanse our hearts so that whatever comes from it (our speech) will be graceful and beneficial.
……Think on these things
By L. Fearon
To purchase my book on Amazon, click the link: https://www.amazon.com/Learning-Prophetic-Leroy-Fearon/dp/9768277513
Amen!!!🙏🙏You know my friend, a few days back I read about the tongue in the Bible, and man, I really do need to learn how to tame it. Thank you for this word my brother and may God bless you.
ReplyDeleteThis must be a prophecy then again you are the author of Learning the Prophetic. Excellent words very Deep, Biblical, and Uncensored. Excellent work continue to inspire, motivate, and change lives. My new favorite.
ReplyDeleteWowie I need to tame my tongue so a can grow for sure but I also need to tame my eyes.
ReplyDeleteLovely topic! The tongue is so often used as a weapon of mass distruction instead of edification. It's time for us to focus on watering what comes out of mouth with positive life fulfillibg flowing water; Changes to ones mindset (thoughts and words) will impact our as well as others seeds to grow positively.
ReplyDeleteSharper than a two edged sword. Life and death is in the tongue. I see it this way what a man speaks is what is in his mind. Therefore in taming the tongue one is taming the mind.
ReplyDeleteVery insightful and informative.
ReplyDeleteThe tongue is indeed a firer member and it no man can tame.
ReplyDeleteAmen. Very informative. Lord help me to use my tongue to please you. Put my tongue under subjection Lord
ReplyDeleteimportant admonition
ReplyDeleteimportant admonition
ReplyDeleteAmen. This is so true
ReplyDeleteThanks for the reminder. It's an every day struggle for many of us but once you start to practice taming the tongue, it will eventually becomes an habit