Generational wealth is biblical...stop hating on it!

Leaving an inheritance is the definition of true care. We are in the age when people speak about money, wealth, or having the finer things of life, they are frowned upon. In all we seek to achieve, our highest aim should always be to leave a mark, a legacy from which those after us can benefit. It is not always selfish ambitions. Also, I am in no way projecting that this can only be done through financial means. Take a few minutes to assess your life, can you safely say you have built a legacy that your children or children's children can inherit? Some of us may not be able to answer confidently. Many of us have just been working for our ends, our joy, or seeming satisfaction. Shape your efforts in such a way where your labour will not be in vain. What are generational wealth and its biggest misconception? Generational wealth is often referred to as the transference or passing down of assets from one generation to the next. The business-minded will tell you that assets are b...