Hot or Cold?

What state are you in?

A few days ago as I woke up I felt impelled to go back to the book of Revelation in the Bible specifically where seven churches were spoken of. I grabbed my Bible and searched ambitiously and there was the discourse in Chapter 2. I read about the first church, the church of Ephesus. I analyzed the church as I read and then I wondered, why was I led to read this? Then I realized that what was happening to the Ephesian church was happening today and then I became troubled within my heart. After reading about the church of Ephesus, I felt the need to study each of the seven churches, for seven days. We know that seven refers to completion but I was still not sure what God wanted to communicate to me. Yes, I understood what was happening in each church and I repented of some of the faults I observed which were also evident in my own life. 

At the end of the seventh day, after reading about the church in Laodicea one question stood out to me: Are you hot or cold? I was stunned! I was shocked because as Christians we believe that going to church on a particular day of the week would guarantee us being 'hot' for Christ; participating in routine weekly church activities makes us 'hot' but then I realized our lifestyles determined that-the condition of our hearts, the state of our spirit man and our connection with God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. 

I then assessed each church and identified what made these people cold: Can you think of anything that would make a Christian cold? Well, this is an abbreviated list: 

  • Forsaking your first love (church of Ephesus- Rev. 2:4)
  • Pretending to be something you are not ( church of Smyrna- Rev. 9)
  • Listening to false teachers and obeying their sayings ( Church in Pergamum- Rev. 2:13)
  • Tolerating the Jezebel spirit and falling to its devices (Church in Thyatira- Rev. 2: 20)
  • Sleeping (being insensitive to the Holy Spirit) (Church in Sardis- Rev 3: 1-2)
  • Lying and deceiving (Church in Philadelphia - Rev. 3: 9)
  • Trusting in yourself, your accomplishments/material gain ( Church in Laodicea-Rev. 3:16)
All these things can corrupt and contaminate any Christian and cause them to become COLD. Our aim is to be HOT at all times; not sometimes. we are called to consistently be a light before ALL men that they may see our good works (holy lifestyle) and glorify the Father in heaven (Matt. 5:16)

Who does not want to be HOT? To be hot simply means living a holy life, have a penitent heart and eschew evil. A deliberate effort to stay pure and penitent will cause God to favour you and keep you as the apple of His eyes. 

Remember, be HOT not COLD! 'Psalm 32 a day keeps unrighteousness away'

If you were appreciative of this reminder, leave a comment. 


  1. This blog is very inspirational and has caused me to look into my own self. The church in Laodicea encourages me to not just avoid being cold but also lukewarm- be hot for Christ all the time. Very appreciative of this blog.

  2. This is a timely reminder. Very befitting! It is not coincidental that we are reminded to check our temperature (to be HOT) whilst the world is being forced to stay behind closed doors. GOD knows that we needed this. Bless your heart, my brother.
    Saints, let us get HOT if we are not and continue to fan the flames.

  3. Wow! What a message, thank you sir for reminding me of what it means to be hot for Christ and what I am called to do. May god bless you continually. Peace. 😊

  4. Wow! What a message, thank you sir for reminding me of what it means to be hot for Christ and what I am called to do. May god bless you continually. Peace. 😊

  5. Wow!
    this is amazing sir. Fearon
    thank you for the needed reminder.
    Are you HOT or COLD??

  6. WOW!
    thank you for the much needed reminder sir Fearon.
    Are you HOT or COLD??

  7. This is very informative and serves as a pertinent reminder of what is happening in the now and what we as the Body of Christ needs to be doing.
    Thank you

  8. Excellent article we must be reminded of our status with Christ and in christ. Keep must keep the spirtual flames burning of christ.

  9. Powerful words continue to make yourself a valuable for God to use you. Blessed

  10. Thank you sir for this powerful reminder. I was in that position, but after reading this blog, I feel motivated to push forward and better myself in the word of God.

  11. Profound,timely and relevant. Thank you for this reminder. God's blessings always.

  12. This is a powerful reminder to Christians, especially in this time when we need to be prepared for His coming. Not only do we need to avoid being cold but also avoid being lukewarm. Many times persons think that the bare minimum is enough, it is time we immerse ourselves in the gospel. Thank you for this message! Bless.

  13. Wow isn't God good I got confirmation when you spoke about seven being completion.I just went on 7 days fasting and prayer and on the seventh day the Lord said to me it is done.Thank you Jesus.Mr Fearon you are truly an inspiration God is going to give you the strength to inspire and win souls for his kingdom.

  14. Wow Is'nt God good.When you spoke about 7 being completion.I just got my confirmation.Recently I went on seven days fasting and prayer.At the end of the seventh day God told me it is done.Thank you Jesus.Mr Fearon you are truly a blessing I pray that God continues to bless you so that you can inspire and win souls for his kingdom.Thank you Jesus

  15. Listened to the book of Revelation yesterday and then a friend sent me this link and while reading it got me looking into myself and realizing God is really speaking to me. Thanks alot for this

  16. Awesome! Love it... What reminder.

  17. Awesome very inspiring and educational

  18. Thank you very much Man Of God. This is a great knock on the head to alot of us, especially in this season where God has given us an opportunity to step it up. The idea of Hot or Cold or Lukewarm (still Cold because it is not hot) is a constant battle for the Christian. And yet still Christ is the Victor iver all. So, may He help us to be HOT!!! I appreciate this message and pray that God will continue to use you.

  19. Awesome words of encouragement and a positive reminder

  20. Hallelujah " having a pure heart will allow God to keep you as the apple of his eye".
    Thank you for this. I realized while reading this that there is a habit in me that made me cold. The holyspirit convention iui cited me the other day on that attitude and now I realize that we have to keep all rules not some and do so everyday. Thank you Jesus. God bles you son of God.

  21. God is really listening to me. I literally went down on my knees this morning asking God to give me a clear knowledge and understanding of the Book of revelation that I’m abot to start reading . I have read all the other books in the New Testament and about to start Revelation. The Great God direct me to your link. Right now I’m just smiling in God’s Grace. There is some real connection going on here Mr Feron . Keep up the Good work sir πŸ’―



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