
Showing posts from May, 2020

The battle is NOT yours, it is the Lord's

The battle is not ours, it is the Lord’s In our lifetime we have been through many challenges, fought many battles, suffered countless defeats, cried volume of tears, pressed in a corner between a rock and a hard place, lied on, slandered, defamed, and persecuted but know that the battle is not ours, it is the Lord’s. We are often unsuccessful in our battles because we approach them with the wrong kinds of weapons. The Bible teaches us that the “ weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds -2 Cor.10:4.” Reasons we should allow God  to fight for us (Inspired by Psalm 35) Some people seek our lives (Ps. 35:4,7)- Some hate us without a cause and sometimes we are unable to discern the true intent of their hearts (because of their close relationship with us in some cases). Only God can fight these battles and win . How many of us know that our graves were already dug? How many of us are aware that God has se...

The Heart Matters

The He💗rt M💗tters The heart is more than just an organ that we read about and mention when we are in love with someone. In Biblical times it was thought that our decisions, feelings, and thought processes came from the heart. The heart in the Bible was thought to be a sort of ‘control centre' from which all of our decisions were made. The heart influences our will, our attitude, and our intentions. The heart is the source of our thoughts, actions, and words. This heart is the core of who you are as a person. Your heart is, essentially, you. 💗 The heart controls the body 💗 Head : The head holds the brain which controls body functions. It is said to be the seat of the mind. It is with the brain we can truly think. The head controlled by the heart must be pure for one to truly love others. The heart and mind must be pure for us to love God as he desires. Matt. 22:37 says “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with al...

You Are a Child of Purpose

PURPOSE Some of us were cultured to not believe in ourselves. We were schooled into thinking that having ambition is negative and that it would destroy us. We have contemplated the reasons we have been through so much in life. However, you need to recognize that YOU are a child of purpose. You were born to do great things, to accomplish great feats, to do extraordinary things, and to exceed those who were before our time. You are a child of purpose. You may not believe this but the easiest way to prove that this is real is the fact that you are still alive. You being alive suggests that the mission is incomplete. It takes PURPOSE to endure what you went through and survived. Many of us may understand our purpose on earth while some of us are uncertain for various reasons. I am reminded of Jeremiah in the Bible whom God had to remind that he had a purpose. “Before I formed you in the womb I knew   you before you were born I set you apart;   I ap...

The Truth about Jealousy

The truth about Jealousy It has been on my heart to enlighten people about the most destructive attribute that one can develop throughout their lifetime-jealousy. Jealousy is coveting what someone has or a position that someone holds. Jealousy is not a new concept. Many of the things that we have done, continue to do and plan to do is out of jealousy because we want to match up to or outdo others. Jealousy is toxic to the point where it does not pardon anyone. Anyone can become jealous of someone else without even realizing what is happening. Jealousy is sneaky and you may think that you are immune to it but it is a destructive spirit that can destroy friendships, families, associations and ultimately destroy YOU. How to identify the root of Jealousy in ourselves and others? To identify the attribute of jealousy in our lives, we have to first assess ourselves. Are my motives right? Am I genuinely happy for friends, family and people in general when God has favou...


  SELF-INVESTMENT We live in a time when people are sometimes ridiculed when they seek opportunities to improve themselves. There is nothing wrong with investing in yourself ! Seek those opportunities; seize those opportunities and be a better version  of yourself. You are not reading this by chance, now is the time to invest in YOU. What have you done recently? The world has paused for us to assess ourselves. How have you been using the time? It is time for  ASSESSMENT . What kind of assessments do we need to be making at this time? u  Spiritual assessment  - Am I at the place where God wants? If I should die now,  would I be secure? These are the relevant questions we need to ask ourselves. This is an opportunity to build a more intimate and unwavering relationship with God. u  Psychological assessment - Now is the time to free the mind from stressful habits. Engage in activities that give you peace of mind and regen...