The battle is NOT yours, it is the Lord's
The battle is not ours, it is the Lord’s In our lifetime we have been through many challenges, fought many battles, suffered countless defeats, cried volume of tears, pressed in a corner between a rock and a hard place, lied on, slandered, defamed, and persecuted but know that the battle is not ours, it is the Lord’s. We are often unsuccessful in our battles because we approach them with the wrong kinds of weapons. The Bible teaches us that the “ weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds -2 Cor.10:4.” Reasons we should allow God to fight for us (Inspired by Psalm 35) Some people seek our lives (Ps. 35:4,7)- Some hate us without a cause and sometimes we are unable to discern the true intent of their hearts (because of their close relationship with us in some cases). Only God can fight these battles and win . How many of us know that our graves were already dug? How many of us are aware that God has se...