The Heart Matters

The He💗rt M💗tters

The heart is more than just an organ that we read about and mention when we are in love with someone. In Biblical times it was thought that our decisions, feelings, and thought processes came from the heart. The heart in the Bible was thought to be a sort of ‘control centre' from which all of our decisions were made. The heart influences our will, our attitude, and our intentions. The heart is the source of our thoughts, actions, and words. This heart is the core of who you are as a person. Your heart is, essentially, you.

💗 The heart controls the body 💗

  • Head: The head holds the brain which controls body functions. It is said to be the seat of the mind. It is with the brain we can truly think. The head controlled by the heart must be pure for one to truly love others. The heart and mind must be pure for us to love God as he desires. Matt. 22:37 says “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind." This, therefore, suggests that a corrupt heart and mind cannot love God.
  • Mouth: "…for out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks." (Luke 6:45). Whatever proceeds from our mouths is an indication of what is in our hearts and minds. If we speak good words, encouraging words, edifying words, then our hearts are clean. However, If we speak evil, slander others, and make false accusations then, of course, this is an indication that something is wrong with us.
  • Hands: Our hearts control our actions. "carry each other's burden and in this way, you will fulfil the law of Christ, (Gal. 6:2)." It takes a pure heart, a clean heart with good motives to offer real help to others. When we have selfishness and greed on the inside of us then we will never be inclined to help without having ulterior motives.
  • Feet: Our hearts control our feet. If we have love in our hearts then we will bring the gospel to others. Isaiah 52:7 says “how beautiful….are the feet of him that bringeth good tidings, that publisheth peace;… that publisheth salvation; that saith unto Zion, Thy God reigneth!” However, when there are issues with the heart, it is difficult to acknowledge the good news about Jesus and we will not make it our duty to share it since we ourselves are not fully persuaded.
  • Eyes and Ears: When our hearts are corrupt, our vision will be distorted and our hearing becomes impaired. "With my whole heart I seek you; let me not wander from your commandments (Ps.119:10)" It takes a pure heart to see the purpose for which we were called. Also, with an impure heart, we cannot hear properly what God is saying; chances are we will misinterpret what he is saying and go off course.
  • Nose: If the heart is unclean, we cannot discern right from wrong. We will not be in a position to distinguish between good and evil. Discerning between good and evil requires one to know what God says and to have His Spirit dwelling on the inside of us.


If we have issues with the heart, fret not, God can change us. Like David, we too can cry out, "create in ME a clean heart oh God and renew a right spirit within me (Ps. 51:10). Many times as individuals we can readily identify the flaw in others but fail to see ourselves. Fret not, once we acknowledge that we are in need of help and ask God then he will do it for us. He alone has the power to give us a renewed heart so we must surrender the heart's issue to him.

Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God. - Matt. 5:8

By L. Fearon


  1. This is absolutely insightful. Depth of knowledge and inspiration in this post calls for a renewed mind to understand the things that are spiritual. Keep up, good work brother.

  2. Totally insightful model for all to follow instructions are to the point and we'll directed.

  3. The heart, a "control center"
    Create in Me a clean heart, Oh God.
    Let me do you, Lord.
    Bless your heart, Fearon.

  4. So profound! My prayer is that we will earnestly seek God so He can give us a heart of flesh as He desires... Excellent read! Thanks bro.

  5. Matters of the heart make your world worth occupying. It was a great read Epitome of Grace. Thanks much!

  6. Thank you bro Fearon,. Thanks for these powerful words, God bless you


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