You Are a Child of Purpose


Some of us were cultured to not believe in ourselves. We were schooled into thinking that having ambition is negative and that it would destroy us. We have contemplated the reasons we have been through so much in life. However, you need to recognize that YOU are a child of purpose. You were born to do great things, to accomplish great feats, to do extraordinary things, and to exceed those who were before our time. You are a child of purpose. You may not believe this but the easiest way to prove that this is real is the fact that you are still alive. You being alive suggests that the mission is incomplete. It takes PURPOSE to endure what you went through and survived.

Many of us may understand our purpose on earth while some of us are uncertain for various reasons. I am reminded of Jeremiah in the Bible whom God had to remind that he had a purpose. “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations Jer. 1:5-6.” You must recognize that the purpose of your life is bigger than you. This purpose was predestinated even before our mothers thought about bringing us into this world. We all have different personalities, likes and dislikes, in like manner our purposes differ- some of us might be called to serve our countries in the military, in government, in the financial sector, in health care, in technology and innovation while for others, it is education, religion or even science just to name a few. There are times when deep within our hearts, we will know the purpose to which we are called but we may not always agree or accepting of it. The gift of being able to help others is a HUGE purpose that many overlook if that is YOU, OWN IT!

Internal hindrances to purpose fulfillment

The purpose to which we are called may not always be what we envisioned our lives to be. In some cases, to fulfill the purpose, we may have to sacrifice the thing we once loved, this can range from friendships to even our jobs or even avoid going to our happy places. Another hindrance to purpose fulfillment is procrastination. Many of us have gotten dreams, visions, million-dollar ideas but because of fear of stepping into the unknown we let it pass; because of self-doubt we believe that this is too great for us; due to our low-self esteems and the fear of failure, we have ignored or have missed the bigger picture. Know that your purpose is not exactly about you, it is about those whose lives are dependent on your greatness, it is about those whose future depends on our acceptance of our purpose. No matter how low or insignificant our purposes may seem, they are an important aspect of someone else's destiny.

External hindrances to purpose fulfillment

We can attest that we could have been living in our purposes but we acknowledge and accept wrong counsel, seek advice from dream killers-people who do not want to see you grow to your maximum potential. We have placed limitations on our capabilities and so we are bound by our beliefs. As you are reading this, you still have a chance to walk into and live in your purpose.

Steps to fulfilling your purpose

Let go of you! You need God's strength to fulfill your purpose. Why is this so? He is the only one who truly knows the reason for which you were created. Know also that you are already equipped for your purpose so ignoring it is simply wasting time. "… for I am watching to see that my word is fulfilled. Jer. 1:12 Whatever you are legitimately drawn to is usually a sign of your purpose. Whatever you are willing to do regardless of how small the reward may be. Many have even contemplated other job options but sometimes the very job you want to leave because of the mistreatment or the small remuneration is often what you are called to. Never get distracted by the little things. God is the only one who can ensure that your purpose is fulfilled. It is TIME to fulfill your purpose. You have waited long enough, many years have passed, and now is the time. Change your perspective so that your purpose can be realized. It is FULFILLMENT time!

Own your purpose, hone your purpose and you will experience the highest level of fulfillment.

By L. Fearon


  1. Powerful words so much of us are not fulfilling our purpose because we are distracted or even stifled by others who want to limit our potential. I enjoy reading your post it is always a challenge to think deeper and to self assess. Thank you for sharing.

  2. Amen and amen! We all need to be reminded of walking in our purposes so as to allow God's will to be done in us.

  3. Well said. Thank you for reminding us, myself included that we are children of purpose. We at times forget that we were made for a purpose and this is a timely reminder of such, to reassure ourselves - We are born for a purpose with a purpose. Thanks for sharing.

  4. I am walking in my purpose and I know what's coming next will be challenging and it will test me but I am ready because I walk with God.
    Powerful message Epitome of Grace. Amen

  5. Extremely inspiring Mr.Fearon! Keep it up!

  6. Purpose prevails! Thanks much. Keep up the good work.


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