The favor of God

The favour of God

Many of us believe that favour is only reserved for a few people. As of reading this post, be reminded that you are favoured by God. The favour of God is a special ability to accomplish something you cannot do by yourself. We know the story of Isaac and Abimelech from Genesis 26 where we saw Isaac rose to the challenge to assist his family during a famine. When the favour of God is on your life, those around you will be able to detect it. The favour of God is so potent that it will attract attention. What am I saying? We must learn to recognize and guard the favour of God in our lives. It matters, and it matters most, it is the favour of God that will allow us to accomplish our purpose. Have you been cheated lately? Is there someone who has tried on several occasions to take your place? Beware! Your blessing is under attack. The favour of God is for you to accomplish God's will. It is our responsibility to retain the favour of God by entertaining his presence. Do not let down your guard. Be sensitive; be discerning.

How to maintain the favour of God?

The favour of God cannot be bought or sold. This was already determined from before we were formed. However, once we recognize the God of our lives and put our trust in His love, protection and faithfulness towards us then his favour will override our frailties and empower us to live as He has ordained before the beginning of time. It is also important that we recognize that God’s favour lasts a lifetime (Ps. 30:5). As long as we may live, the favour of God will continue to direct our every move (once our lives are surrendered to him). In maintaining the favour of God, we have to give honour to Him. Many times we boast in and through our gifting and talents without recognizing that it is beyond us, and it is indeed the favour of God. It is the favour of God; otherwise, it would have been common to everyone. In the same vein, have we ever thought about yielding our talents and gifting for God’s use? Try it, it will blow your mind and then you will know that indeed it is the favour of God. It is through the favour of God many of us have established businesses using our gifting and talents.


The end result of God's favour

· When the favour of God is on your life, it will allow people to eventually give you room to grow. Isaac was told to leave his present dwelling because he became too powerful and would potentially threaten the King. The King told Isaac to go. The king also admitted that Isaac was too powerful for him (v.16).

· God will be with you each step of the way; wherever you go, you will be blessed. Isaac reopened two wells and that brought vexation and quarrel but then he dug another and no one quarrelled over it. He named it Rehoboth, saying, “Now the Lord has given us room and we will flourish in the land (v.22).” That is how the favour of God works.

· God speaks to those he favours. After Isaac had dug the third well, he went to another location and that night the Lord appeared to him and said, “I am the God of your father Abraham. Do not be afraid, for I am with you; I will bless you and will increase the number of your descendants for the sake of my servant Abraham (v.24).”It is an absolute honour when God speaks to us. It is reassurance that He sees us as one of His own.

· God’s favour is undeniable. The King visited Isaac along with his personal advisor and commander and they confessed, “We saw clearly that the Lord was with you; so we said, ‘There ought to be a sworn agreement between us’—between us and you. Let us make a treaty with you that you will do us no harm, just as we did not harm you but always treated you well and sent you away peacefully. And now you are blessed by the Lord (v.28).” Indeed, when our ways please the Lord he will cause our enemies to be at peace with us (Pr.16:7).  


The next major goal on our agendas is to seek the favour of God. We need it! It is the favour of God that will save us in challenging times. God is good!

Song suggestion when I think about favour: by Sinach 

By L. Fearon



  1. Thanks for the reminder.

  2. Excellently crafted we all need the favor of God. Thanks for the remainder.

  3. God is good! Once the favor of God is on our life nothing can harm us. Thank you for these words. Its a reminder and an inspiration! I am favored by God. God bless you.

  4. Thank you for these words. They are a reminder and an inspiration. I am favored by God. God bless you..

  5. Thank you for the words sir. Indeed we must recognise the favour of God.

  6. I'm so thankful to know that God favours me and that His plans will be accomplished with no reservations. Thanks much my brother.

  7. Amen to that! Oh for grace to trust Him more; to spend quality time with Him; to discover His good and perfect will for our lives. Oh that we might dwell daily in His presence that we may obrain favour!

  8. Was a very good read. I love that you traced it with a Biblical account. Very insightful. Nuff blessings.

  9. Amen. A very timely read....favour of God...thanks so much! Blessings!

  10. Thanks my bro for reminding me of such blessings. I believe the word and will definitely protect his blessings.May God widen your territory as you hand down to his people .May the favour of God be your portion always.All the best in your future blog.Peace.

  11. Matchless, undeserved favour 🙏

  12. Powerful indeed bro, inspriratiinally written. If we aren't careful we may lose our birth-right. Heaven bless your heart, may you continue to stay in God and do His will.


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