
Showing posts from April, 2020

What YOU want vs What God wants

You vs God Tradition has taught us that if we acquire a good education, nice cars, beautiful mansions, sophisticated jobs and wealth then we will live a good life. However, oftentimes, we obtain all these things but still, there is an emptiness within us, a void that seems as if it cannot be filled. The emptiness has led many to seek out other activities to compensate for their experiences-drinking, smoking, illicit sex and abuse of other illegal substances. That 'void' can be filled! It is God's way of communicating to us that there is more to our existence than acquiring material things. There is much more to us than what meets the eyes. We were created in God's image for a purpose which far exceeds the mere accumulation of things. Do not misinterpret this, if God allows you to gain great wealth, by all means, enjoy it. A good education? Be grateful and use it to serve others to the best of your ability but never let it reach the stage where you begin...

You Are Like An Olive Tree

The Olive Tree Many times we live our lives without being mindful of who God says we are. Being oblivious to who we are impacts the way we handle situations, our responses to the different seasons of our lives and causes us to limit our capacity. You are reading this as a reminder that you were meant to be like an “Olive Tree flourishing in the house of God (Ps. 52:8).” Having thought about this verse I was impelled to put more thought into the traits of the Olive Tree. This is what I discovered: l  Longevity - Olive trees can live for thousands of years. We too will continue to live once we acknowledge Jesus as our Lord and Saviour as this guarantees eternal life. John 3:15 “That whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have eternal life.” l  Prolific - Olive trees start bearing fruit at five years of age. Like the Olive Tree, we too can bear good fruit. Galatians 5:22 highlighted some fruit- love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, f...

The Unplugging

# U-N-P-L-U-G The picture captions one who dares to do something different. This is a call to UNPLUG. Many of us have spent hours, days, weeks, months and years serving others, serving things that do not benefit our well-being. We have become so absorbed by what is happening around us-the chaos, the anxiety, the fear, the loss, the defeat, the trials and the failures that we have forgotten who we are, we have forgotten us. We are forgetting ourselves. Do yourselves a favour and UNPLUG! The unplugging v  Unplug from social media now and again. Unplug so your mind can be at ease. Free from the cares, the pressures and influences which divert attention from your inner self and your inner peace. v  Unplug from people who are toxic and drains your energy by either depositing too much information or simply not being a positive impact-Gossiping and sharing peoples business you have no interest in whatsoever. v  Unplug from toxic environments. Places that...


Hot or Cold? What state are you in? A few days ago as I woke up I felt impelled to go back to the book of Revelation in the Bible specifically where seven churches were spoken of. I grabbed my Bible and searched ambitiously and there was the discourse in Chapter 2. I read about the first church, the church of Ephesus. I analyzed the church as I read and then I wondered, why was I led to read this? Then I realized that what was happening to the Ephesian church was happening today and then I became troubled within my heart. After reading about the church of Ephesus, I felt the need to study each of the seven churches, for seven days. We know that seven refers to completion but I was still not sure what God wanted to communicate to me. Yes, I understood what was happening in each church and I repented of some of the faults I observed which were also evident in my own life.  At the end of the seventh day, after reading about the church in Laodicea one questio...