What YOU want vs What God wants

You vs God Tradition has taught us that if we acquire a good education, nice cars, beautiful mansions, sophisticated jobs and wealth then we will live a good life. However, oftentimes, we obtain all these things but still, there is an emptiness within us, a void that seems as if it cannot be filled. The emptiness has led many to seek out other activities to compensate for their experiences-drinking, smoking, illicit sex and abuse of other illegal substances. That 'void' can be filled! It is God's way of communicating to us that there is more to our existence than acquiring material things. There is much more to us than what meets the eyes. We were created in God's image for a purpose which far exceeds the mere accumulation of things. Do not misinterpret this, if God allows you to gain great wealth, by all means, enjoy it. A good education? Be grateful and use it to serve others to the best of your ability but never let it reach the stage where you begin...